Advisory Circular (AC)

Advisory Circulars - Joint (ACJ's) Very Light Aeroplanes

File No. 5009-6-523VLA AC No. 523-VLA-001
RDIMS No. 529636-V3 Issue No. 01
Issuing Branch Aircraft Certification Effective Date 2004-12-01

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
1.2 Guidance Applicability
1.3 Description of Changes
1.4 Termination

2.0 References

2.1 Reference Document
2.2 Cancelled Document

3.0 Background

4.0 Accepted Advisory Material

5.0 Headquarters Contact

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Advisory Circular (AC) is to provide a list of guidance material for demonstrating compliance with the requirements of Chapter 523-VLA of the Airworthiness Manual.

1.2 Guidance Applicability

This document is applicable to all Transport Canada (TC) personnel, delegates and industry.

1.3 Description of Changes

This document, formerly AMA No. 523-VLA/1A, is reissued as an AC. With the exception of minor editorial changes, the content is unaltered.

1.4 Termination

This document does not have a terminating action. It will however, be reviewed periodically for suitability of content.

2.0 References

2.1 Reference Document

It is intended that the following reference material be used in conjunction with this document:

Chapter 523-VLA of the Airworthiness Manual (AWM) - Very Light Aeroplanes.

2.2 Cancelled Document

As of the effective date of this document, AMA No. 523-VLA/1A dated 15 November 1999 is cancelled.

3.0 Background

The airworthiness standards contained in Chapter 523-VLA are Advisory Circulars - Joint (ACJ's) as Acceptable Means of Compliance and Interpretive Material.

4.0 Accepted Advisory Material

The following ACJ's are contained in Section 2 of JAR-VLA as amended by Amendment VLA/92/1 dated 1 January 1992 and are advisory material accepted by Transport Canada for use with the requirements of Chapter 523-VLA.

ACJ VLA 1(a) Applicability
ACJ VLA 1(b) Applicability
ACJ VLA 21(c) Proof of Compliance
ACJ VLA 21(d) Proof of Compliance
ACJ VLA 23 Load Distribution Limits
ACJ VLA 45 Performance, General
ACJ VLA 173 Static Longitudinal Stability
ACJ VLA 175 Static Longitudinal Stability
ACJ VLA 201 Wings Level Stall
ACJ VLA 301(d) Loads
ACJ VLA 307(a) Proof of Structure
ACJ VLA 405 Secondary Control Systems
ACJ VLA 441 Manoeuvring Loads
ACJ VLA 443 Gust Loads
ACJ VLA 479(b) Level Landing Conditions
ACJ VLA 572(a) Parts of Structure Critical to Safety
ACJ VLA 572(b) Parts of Structure Critical to Safety
ACJ VLA 613(b) Material Strength Properties and Design Values
ACJ VLA 613(c) Material Strength Properties and Design Values
ACJ VLA 615 Design Properties
ACJ VLA 619 Special Factors
ACJ VLA 773 Pilot Compartment View
ACJ VLA 775(a) Windshields and Windows
ACJ VLA 777 Cockpit Controls
ACJ VLA 785(e) Seats, Safety Belts and Harnesses
ACJ VLA 903(a) Engine Type Certificate
ACJ VLA 905(a) Propellers
ACJ VLA 943 Negative Acceleration
ACJ VLA 1011(c) Oil System, General
ACJ VLA 1105(b) Induction System Screens
ACJ VLA 1305(a) Powerplant Instruments
ACJ VLA 1436 Hydraulic Manually-Powered Brake Systems
ACJ VLA 1587(a)(4) Performance Information

5.0 Headquarters Contact

For more information please contact:

Policy Standards Coordinator (AARDH/P)
Phone: (613) 990-3923
Facsimile: (613) 996-9178

Original signed by Maher Khouzam

Maher Khouzam
Chief, Regulatory Standards
Aircraft Certification Branch